Sunday, May 2, 2010

Yes it is confirmed.... Girls are evil

these were the comments:

  • Too complex for the average layman. I’, not mathematician so I didn’t get this one.

  • ILUVYOU says:


    and for all the boyz who cant
    understand notice all boyz
    have no smartness in there life which is the 0
    and in some country 0 is evil numbet

  • nokonwaba says:

    Good calculations but wrong statement… not funny though

  • inaccurate says:

    Actually, this is wrong. If you square the evil you have to square the girl. So, it would be girl^2, which means that two girls are evil, so don’t two time and we’ll be fine :D .

  • Travis says:

    10+1=9 not 10 your in idiot Ilovyou

  • not inaccurate actually says:

    Actually, money is squared so if money = the root of all evil than money^2 would = the root of evil^2 which is just evil

  • Mandie says:

    Omg wow as a blonde it seems weird as a person it seems weird um… i did kinda get it but i thought it would tell us something we didn’t know… i was surprised it didn’t

  • Mandie says:

    o… 10 + 1 equals 11 ………
    see blondes are smarter than the
    average human Ha…. that then would be 111 not 109 ILOVEYOU is slow
    gives a bad name for girls

  • Nick S. says:

    I’m just algebra 1-2 not too bad for a tenth grader I guess :o ] I have no idea what’s going on :]

  • bama_girl says:


  • michelle says:

    i’m blonde so i only partially got it! my brain looks like this right now! {??????????????}

  • JamessheA says:

    mathematically it is correct, i saw this exact page in my calculus class earlier today, and the entire lesson was on it (it is my favorite *math joke*)

  • eAtmAhChErrY says:

    nOt oF aLl ThEm Are EvIl!!! bUt SOME!!!!!
    (i lIke gIrls But tHey dOn’t Like mE, tHough i tReaT tHem tHe bEst tHat i Can!!)

  • dave says:

    the calculation is correct… the fact you think it is wrong is because you are american.

    Dave Ireland

  • america says:

    hey f*ck you dave,
    don’t be jealous of the fact that
    we can take over Ireland any time we want

  • American Guy says:

    ‘america’ that was uncalled for… but very funny none the less

  • Huh says:

    What’s Ireland?
    Anyways, the whole thing only takes an elementary level of maths to understand, and peops who say “If you square the evil you have to square the girl” are in 5th grade.

  • yankchicksrskankchicks says:

    typical warmonger americans. no wonder ur laughin stock of planet. world series baseball? who else in the world cares lol don’t get me started on your girly football players, helmets, what a bunch of girls

  • ??? says:

    You’re all missing the point here. The most common error people make is to say “money is the root of all evil” when in fact the true saying is “LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil.” Look it up if you want. You can’t possibly pin this on women alone or men for that matter. It just depends on personality.

    And Mandy: why do you keep on making a point of saying you’re blond and not a person. You said “as a blonde it seems weird as a person it seems weird” and “blondes are smarter than the average human.” No offense, but surely blonds are people too, no?

  • Smarter Than The Average Bear says:

    “What a bunch of girls.”

    Weren’ they just talking about sexism? And atleast we can use all four limbs.

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